Looking for a steamy hot fantasy romance novel to kick off your holidays? Check out Joanna Morgan’s Burn– the first book in the Elemental Warrior Series.
When the door burst open, she screeched in surprise, her body still reacting with fear. But then her heart started pounding for a completely different reason.
“Are you okay?” Levi breathed hard in her doorway, a long, lethal blade gripped in each fist. He stood there with the hall light behind him outlining every muscle on his body, all on display—with the exception of the few hidden by his boxer briefs.
She blinked for a second, the view of all of him at once melting her already addled brain.
“Brooke?” he asked, stepping toward the bed, emanating danger and sex.
“I’m okay,” she gasped, finally using her words. “Just a bad dream.” She didn’t even remember much of it, except for the fire. Always fire. But that was probably to be expected after what she’d been through. She’d been trying to put out the flames climbing up her body with—
“Can I get you something? Water?”
She licked her lips to dampen them, realizing that her mouth indeed felt dry. From the dream, surely. “Please.”
He stared at her in an assessing way, then turned and left the room.
Once he was out of view, she clenched her eyes shut. Nope. That image is never going away. Him, back-lit in her doorway, bare-chested and breathing hard, blades glinting in each hand. That image had been burned into her mind, and her libido.