The Mummy, or Ramses the Damned, a novel written by Anne Rice and published in 1989, is the first in a series but was originally a standalone novel. The story combines elements of horror, romance, and historical fiction. Set in the early 20th century, the novel...
Anne Rice
Understanding Ancient Egyptian Views on the Afterlife through the Story of Osiris
Osiris was a prominent figure in ancient Egyptian mythology and the central god associated with the afterlife. Ancient Egypt had complex beliefs about death and the afterlife, which were closely intertwined with their religious and cultural practices. Egyptians...
May Reading Challenge – Here’s What We’re Reading
Hello, lovely readers! We’re back with our May pick for ILVN’s 2023 Reading Challenge! This month, we’re doing a throwback to Anne Rice, but we’re not reading one of the vampire or witchy novels. Nope! We’re going with her latest book, published posthumously by her...
Get to Know the Mayfair Witches by Anne Rice
The first two episodes of Anne Rice’s Mayfair Witches have been released on AMC, and we are obsessed. Let’s take a quick look at the most prominent characters in the show adaptation for what may be some much-needed context: Dr. Rowan Fielding (Alexandra Daddario), the...
11 Anne Rice Quotes To Help You Get Through 2022
Over the years Anne Rice has many written lines that continue to be iconic in their delivery, resonance, and poetic beauty. As we take this time to honor Anne Rice as a pioneer of the Paranormal Romance genre, we have composed a list of 11 Anne Rice quotes to help you...
How Has Anne Rice Influenced You as a Reader?
In 1976, before paranormal romance was an officially recognized genre, Interview with the Vampire was released and with it began Anne Rice’s literary journey as one of the most notable writers of supernatural, gothic, and erotic fiction.When you think of Interview...
Anne Rice Introduced Me to New Orleans and I’ll Never Be the Same by Katherine Tomlinson
Katherine Tomlinson Anne Rice Introduced Me to New Orleans and I’ll Never Be the Same Katherine Tomlinson Anne Rice Introduced Me to New Orleans and I’ll Never Be the Same Katherine Tomlinson In the spring of 1988, I returned to New Orleans, and as soon as I smelled...
10 Of The Most Evil & “Not So Evil” Witches: A Tribute To Anne Rice by Misty Hayes
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In Honor of Anne Rice, Rest in Peace
All of us at I Love Vampire Novels mourn the passing of renowned author Anne Rice. She has left a legacy unlike any other. Anne Rice has made a mark on the modern vampire & paranormal romance genres that will continue to inspire for ages to come. Thank you for...
Everything You Need To Know About Anne Rice’s The Vampire Chronicles
If you haven't heard of the book series by Anne Rice, you've probably been living under a rock. Or perhaps you've seen the film The Interview with the Vampire starring Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and Kirsten Dunst or Queen of the Damned, but you had no idea that it was...
40 Best Vampire Love Story Movie: Finding the Romance
Only a vampire can love you forever, which is why we can’t get enough of vampire movies with romance! There’s something so delightfully fun about watching the big bad monster wade through the dating pool like the rest of us - but it can be hard to find the gems in...
Paranormal Romance Books: 50 Essential Titles To Devour
From vampires and werewolves to witches and angels, everyone loves paranormal romance books. And who doesn’t love the bad boy that comes with it? These are our top 50 picks for those of you with a romantic itch to scratch Paranormal Romance Books Fantasy Lover...
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