Legacies is back for it’s fourth season on the CW. But while the paranormal teen drama airs weekly on prime time television, we’re actually here to talk about our favorite moments from Legacies Season 3 – which you can now binge watch in its entirety on Netflix (we may have already done so ourselves, haha).
You may have noticed that the first few episodes of Legacies Season 3 were not quite the same quality we’re used to. The editing was choppy and the story was rushed. But that’s only because the beginning of season three was interrupted by the pandemic. So we’re giving the show makers a pass.
Still, season 3 had some truly great moments. And by episode eight, we were right back to our usual convoluted plot lines and over-the-top teen angst that we all know and love.
So without further ado, here are our favorite moments from Legacies Season 3.
**Warning: Spoilers ahead!**
Legacies Season 3 Moment #1 – Arthurian Legend
From the Lady of the Lake making an appearance in episode 1, to Rafael telling his parents “did you know we were royalty?” while wielding Excalibur at the end of episode 2, and the leprechaun who saves Salvatore High from financial ruin, it’s obvious show writers were inspired by Arthurian legend for the first part of season 3. While later episodes saw a return to their “Original” roots, the hero’s journey remained a strong theme throughout season 3 with more than one character figuring what being a hero means to them and if they have what it takes.
Legacies Season 3 Moment #2- Salvatore: The Musical
In episode 3, Robyn Goodfellow assigns Landon the task of writing a musical based on the history of Mystic Falls. It was great fun watching the Legacies characters play Damon, Stefen, Elena, and Caroline – but it was also a smart way to refresh our memory of the highlights of The Vampire Diaries, which becomes important later during the season finale.
Legacies Season 3 Moment #3 – All The Bromance
Legacies has always been big on the brotherly love, but season 3 took the bromances up a notch. From Landon’s last moments with Rafael, to MG’s new friendship with Ethan – and MG’s long-time friendship with Kaleb – the guys had a lot of touching heart-to-heart conversations this season in which they laid their souls bare and leaned on each other for support. We loved seeing the guys have healthy deep conversations. Please give us more!
Legacies Season 3 Moment #4 – Geek Culture Supreme
You could play geek culture bingo until the cows come home with the amount of nerdy references all the characters dropped in season 3. We already know Landon and MG are comic book nerds, and that Wade likes LARP. But this season we also discover that Landon and Wade have been meeting up for D&D sessions. And if that wasn’t enough? In episode 15, Hope, Jose, and Lizzie are stuck in a Star Wars fan-fiction world written by an eleven year old Lizzie Saltzman. Hilarity ensues with Ethan as Han Solo, Alaric as Obi-Wan, and Malivore as Darth Vader.
Legacies Season 3 Moment #5 – New Characters
Season 3 introduces new characters, Cleo and Finch, and they are both amazing additions to the show. Cleo enrolls in Salvatore High in episode 6. She’s a mysterious character at first who is looking for a new home to feel safe in. We learn later that Cleo is a Muse and that she has a complicated past with Malivor. Through Cleo, we finally get a clear picture of what Malivor wants and why. The big bad mud monster is finally made into more of a real character this season too, but more about that later.
Finch is introduced as Jose’s school tour guide when Jose enrolls in Mystic High. Sparks instantly fly between these two love birds, but it’s not all sunshine. Turns out Finch is a werewolf who didn’t know other supernatural creatures existed. Jose convinces Finch to enroll in Salvatore high, and Jose returns there too, to be with Finch. Though their relationship is rocky for most of the season, Finch seems to be in it for the long haul (even beating dark-Jose with a kiss) and we’re thrilled Jose finally has someone fighting for her.
Legacies Season 3 Moment #6 – Elena’s House
Season 3 gave us one heck of an Easter egg when Alaric and Jose visit Aunt Elena and Uncle Damon! Unfortunately, we don’t actually get to see either of them, but it was an exciting moment nonetheless when Alaric and Jose share a conversation on the steps in front of Elena’s house. Alaric comments on how well they rebuilt the house – a reference to the episode on The Vampire Diaries when Elena once burned it down while her humanity was off. After having a heart to heart with Jose about her relationship problems, Alaric also mentions he wouldn’t want his daughter getting relationship advice from Damon.
Speaking of cameos, Hope’s aunt Freya makes an appearance in episode 19. She is there for Hope’s final moments before she transitions into the tribrid. Which makes us wonder why Freya doesn’t have a more permanent role on Legacies? She totally should.
Legacies Season 3 Moment # 7- Evil Landon
Perhaps our favorite part of season 3 is seeing another side of Landon Kirby. Technically, Evil Landon is actually Malivor pretending to be Landon to fool Hope, but we have to admit this bad-boy villain version of Landon is sexy! Especially after the clay doppelganger version Cloe made who was a little too perfect. The point is, Aria Shahghasemi can act. He proves it in season 3 by playing three different versions of Landon. Not to mention, juggling multiple hell dimensions and run-ins with a certain Necromancer. We won’t spoil the ending for you, but we’re hoping the real Landon finds a way back to Mystic Falls soon, because that finale ended with one heck of a cliffhanger for Hope Mikaelson!
What do you think of Legacies Season 3? Was there a favorite moment we forgot to mention? Let us know in the comments.
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