Skye Jones Author Interview

by | Oct 26, 2021 | 0 comments

Enjoy I Love Vampire Novel’s exclusive interview with Paranormal Romance author Skye Jones, as part of our ongoing October giveaway! Scroll down for more details. 

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Introduce yourself. 

Hi there. I am Skye and I write paranormal romance as Skye Jones, and dark contemporary romance as SR Jones. I’m based in the UK and many of my paranormal books are set in Wales, Scotland and Cornwall, as I love Celtic myths and legends. One side of my family is Welsh, so I love traveling there and setting novels there. My own life is based in Northern England, where I live with my husband, my dogs, and my mum who I care for.

How long have you been writing or when did you start?

I have been writing for around twelve years, but I was only first published in 2015.

Why paranormal/urban fantasy? What drew you to the genre?

I have always loved the paranormal romance genre. I was addicted to the Black Dagger Brotherhood, and when younger I fell in love with The Vampire Lestat and read it over and over again. Shifters, vampires, witches, etc are so interesting to write about because you can develop a whole world.

What comes first for you — the plot or the characters — and why?

Always the characters. I am the same when reading. If I character grabs me, I’m in. Whereas the cleverest plot can leave me cold if the characters aren’t vivid. I fall head over heels in love with characters, and always have. As a child, I was an obsessive re-reader of favorite characters, and still am.

What’s your favorite type of paranormal creature and why?

Vampires, and just because they have that amazing juxtaposition of being capable of being both terrifying and hot. Shifters for example, rarely scare me, but vampires do. The remake of Nosferatu by Werner Herzog in the seventies is one of the most terrifying films I have ever seen. In my new novel, out on the 12th of October, exclusively in the Hearts Unleashed boxset, I have a vampire hero and a shifter heroine. They are fated mates, but mortal enemies, and I love exploring that tension between them.

Tell us about your heroine/hero. What inspired her/his quirks and struggles?

In the free read, Wolf On Holiday, the hero and heroine are two of my favorites. Jake at first glance seems like a really arrogant, alpha-hole, but he’s much deeper than that. He’s also a wolf shifter and his world is very different from Cait’s. Cait lets her insecurities get the better of her and it leads to some explosive arguments…and making up 😉

Would you and your main character get along?

I would get along with Cait for sure. I would probably slap Jake, before I kissed him lol.

Which of the characters do you relate to the most and why?

I relate to all my characters in a different way. One of my favorite characters is actually from a contemporary romance – a Bratva leader called Konstantin Silvanov. He’s not a nice guy, he’s a pretty bad guy in many ways, but I find him fascinating, and in some ways, I do relate to him. We are nothing alike, but I can relate to the way his past haunts him and drives him. So while I can’t imagine behaving in the ways he does, I could put myself in his shoes and understand what causes him to do what he does.

What is a significant way your book has changed since the first draft?

My books always change between the first draft and publishing because I don’t plot heavily, which means a lot of re-writing. I have two edits, a proofread and normally two or more beta reads, as I need a lot of eyes on my story before I feel comfortable publishing.

Where can our readers find you?

You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and come join my Facebook group (we’re having a big weekend giveaway this Saturday).

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