by | Jan 24, 2025 | 0 comments

Okay, we’re three-quarters of the way through this story and the adventure for this group. And boy howdy, have things gotten intense!

What I’m really loving about the way Carissa Broadbent structured this story is that we get their journey, we get Miche’s journey to her greatest downfall—becoming a vampire and setting herself in motion toward this moment—and the romantic story. Of course, we’re also getting more of Asar’s journey, too.

I like how they layer together, and this is something I’ve noticed about her writing, there’s always more than one story thread that creates a great impact once they converge at the end.

I’m ready for some big big things to happen in the last quarter of the book (and book two) based on what we’ve gone through so far.

First, let’s talk about our side characters (because it’s far too easy to dig into the meatiness of Mische and Asar. I mean, yeah). Elias…what a fucking bastard. I mean, I didn’t expect much less from him, but to just jump straight out and stab Asar when he gains his kingly title, and to offer Mische the chance at living on the way back?

I don’t think so buddy. I mean, just moments before, he and Chandra exchanged a looking that screamed of witnessing the budding of young love/obsession and being embarrassed by being so privy to it. But it’s more that he says he needs her help on the way back.

Just the gall.

And Chandra… After what we see of Mische’s past, it’s obvious that her reaction to Chandra’s past of killing vampire infants after helping them being born would absolutely horrify her. Mische wanted to save everyone. No exceptions.

She wanted to save full adult vampires.

Leaving her to die is one of the big breaks in Mische’s character. It’s part of her evolution, and I am proud of her for it. It makes me think of how many horrible things are explained away in the guise of faith, of doing what’s best, what one’s meant to do, what one thinks is right… It’s not very often that those things are called out for simply being terrible.

I’m behind Mische. And honestly, I truly love her as a character.

Yes, she’s still FAR too wrapped up in her sun god, but I get it. That was her identity since she was ten. He saved her and her sister. It makes sense that much of her devotion was blind.

Even as we get it in the last interlude, she’s so blinded by her beliefs that she didn’t see her mission as impossible. She believed she could save the vampires.

And we know by now, even if not given all of the details yet, that this is what got her sister, her friends, and her people killed. What got her changed into a vampire. What cursed her and tainted her and cut her off from her god.

That’s why I’m rooting for her to just pull that last string and be free of him.

I mean, you know, besides the electric tension between her and Asar, who is one of those sweet, grumpy broken man characters who just wants to save those he loves.

And he’s falling hard for Mische.

I’m absolutely rooting for them both. Let him be king and make his kingdom a better place. I am predicting that Mische will save him but only after he sacrifices himself completely for her first.

Plus, just a side note, both that manipulation in Psyche where he asks her to let him defile her, please (YES!) and the kisses up her arm… Just shivers. Cannot wait for them to get together!

Alright, share your thoughts with me about their journey, the characters, the questions that you have in the comments below, and I’ll be back next week as we finish reading The Songbird and the Heart of Stone by Carissa Broadbent.

See you then!


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