Are you a fan of The Vampire Diaries Bonnie Bennett? You’re not the only one! Bonnie (played by Kat Graham) is the most popular witch on the hit tv show The Vampire Diaries. So many fans fell in love with her kind, caring character. Including us!
However, The Vampire Diaries has been over for quite some time. But it comes as no shock that fans are still thinking about tv’s favorite witch. Especially with the spin-off series Legacies on its third season. Will we ever get to see Bonnie Bennett on the screen again? We decided to find out!
Below are some of our favorite shocking facts about The Vampire Diaries Bonnie. As well as a look at what Kat Graham is up to now!
The Vampire Diaries Bonnie Bennett: Facts About The Character

#1 Bonnie Had A Romance With Damon!
The television version of Bonnie is vastly different from the book version. In the books, Damon falls for Elena, but he also develops a crush on Bonnie! The author, L.J. Smith, has written her own fanfiction in which Damon and Bonnie end up together. This was before Smith was fired by the book’s publishing company.
#2 Bonnie Has Been 4 Different Supernatural Beings.
Bonnie’s supernatural status changed throughout the show as the pool of supernatural beings increased with each season. In addition to being a witch, Bonnie Bennett was also a ghost seen only by Jeremy. She was also the anchor to the Other Side, and a Huntress after the character Rayna Cruz transferred Bonnie’s powers. There was also a time when Bonnie was ‘just human’ after her powers were stolen.
#3 Bonnie Is An Aquarius!
It’s not often that we’re given a fictional character’s exact birthday. But in the case of Bonnie Bennett, her birthday is said to be on February 5th, 1993! Making the character’s zodiac sign the Aquarius.
#4 Bonnie Practices Four Types of Magic.
There are several different types of magic. Bonnie has pretty much mastered them all by the time The Vampire Diaries comes to an end. While she most often uses Traditional Magic, she has also practiced Dark Magic, Spirit Magic, and Expression.
The Vampire Diaries Bonnie Bennett: After TVD

The Vampire Diaries ended in 2017. But some of its characters including Bonnie Bennett have been mentioned in the spinoff shows The Originals and Legacies. Thus, if we pay close attention, we can piece together what happened to these characters after the main series ended. Here’s what we’ve been able to conclude about our favorite Mystic Falls witch.
#1 in The Originals season 1 episode “A Closer Walk with Thee”. Klaus learns of an imminent implosion after a phone call to “a rather reluctant Bennett witch in Mystic Falls.”
#2 In The Originals season 5 episode “The Tale of Two Wolves”. Klaus’s plan to save Hope from the Hollow relied on the Saltzman twins siphoning the evil spirit from Hope’s body. Alaric had strong objections and suggested Bonnie as a replacement.
#3 In Legacies season 1 episode “Malivore”. Dorian explained to Alaric that Bonnie located the vampire lover of a Dryad. She used a ring to do a locator spell. Bonnie couldn’t have accomplished this time-sensitive, hands-on task from a distance, indicating she was back in Mystic Falls.
#4 During Legacies season 2. Alaric and the twins were stuck in the Prison World that the girls created with their “Aunt Bonnie” years earlier. Emma is left to help Caroline figure out a way to get them back. Before her departure, Dorian tried to convince her to stay, stating Caroline could call Bonnie.
At the end of Vampire Diaries, Bonnie was preparing to leave Mystic Falls and travel the world. But given the evidence above, we can see that Bonnie Bennett returned home and remained friends with Carline and Alaric. We couldn’t be happier for such a deserving character.
The Vampire Diaries Bonnie Bennett: Will We See Her Again?
With the ending of The Vampire Diaries and The Originals, many fans are wondering if we’ll get to see Bonnie again in Legacies. While Legacies is only in its third season, and anything is possible, it’s unfortunately unlikely that we’ll see our favorite witch again.
Actress Kat Graham has gone on record saying she’s closed the door on Bonnie Bennett. “I say that with absolute gratitude and appreciation, but I don’t feel like reprising a character that was almost 10 years of my life.”
A bummer but we totally understand! So what’s Kat Graham up to now?
The Vampire Diaries Bonnie Bennett: Following The Amazing Kat Graham

The Music Scene
Following the end of Vampire Diaries, Graham starred in the Tupac biopic All Eyez On Me. She made an album with Prince before he died, and was named an International Goodwill Ambassador for the organization Empower 54 by its founder, Princess Modupe Ozolua of Nigeria. Talk about making waves!
Return To Acting
After her album Love Music Funk Magic came out, Graham went back to acting. She’s been spending most of her time on Netflix shows and movies. She starred in the The Holiday Calendar, How It Ends, and is the voice of April O’Neil in Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Graham also starred in the period drama Emperor, which follows a group of escaped slaves traveling north. It was based on the life story of Shields Green.
In 2020, Kat also starred in Cut Throat City and another Netflix Christmas film called Operation Christmas Drop.
We’re pretty confident Kat Graham will have a long and healthy career on screen, but she’ll always be our beloved Mystic Falls ‘BonBon’.
The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, and Legacies are available to watch on Netflix.
Did any of these facts about The Vampire Diaries Bonnie Bennett surprise you? Let us know in the comments!
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