Jun 19, 2023 | Fantasy, Featured Witch Romance Posts, Witch Romance, Witch Romance Books
In the vast realm of fiction, the elements of witchcraft, magic, and curses have always captivated our imagination. These mystical forces serve as powerful storytelling tools, introducing readers to enchanting worlds brimming with wonder and intrigue. From classic...
Jun 4, 2023 | Fantasy, ILVN Book Club, Paranormal Romance, Queer Fantasy
Queer fantasy romance books offer a captivating blend of fantastical worlds, thrilling adventures, and heartfelt love stories that celebrate LGBTQ+ identities. These novels take readers on enchanting journeys where love knows no boundaries, exploring diverse...
May 28, 2023 | ILVN Book Club, M/M Paranormal Romance, Romantic Fantasy
Hello, lovely readers! We’re back with our June pick for ILVN’s 2023 Reading Challenge! This month is pride month, so we’ve chosen an LGBT+ book to celebrate and support our community. With the many suggestions my friends offered me, I’ve landed on A Marvellous Light...