The Mummy, or Ramses the Damned, a novel written by Anne Rice and published in 1989, is the first in a series but was originally a standalone novel. The story combines elements of horror, romance, and historical fiction. Set in the early 20th century, the novel explores the theme of immortality and centers around the character Ramses the Great, who has been woken from his slumber after being unearthed from his tomb.
After discovery, the archaeologist, Lawrence Stratford, was murdered by his nephew to gain the family’s fortune for his lascivious habits. However, Julie Stratford displays Ramses’ mummy form in her house, and the sun revitalizes him just in time to save Julie from the same fate—a poisoned cup of coffee.
As Ramses embarks on a journey through modern-day England with his companion Julie Stratford, he discovers his former lover, Cleopatra, on display in a museum. He cannot resist the temptation to give her the elixir of life, which brings her back from the dead. Fleeing from the horror of his actions, Ramses leaves Cleopatra in turmoil, which leads her to slaying several of the humans who discover her, to her forming an alliance with Elliott and Alex Saravell, and to her promising revenge on Ramses for resurrecting her.
As Ramses adjusts to the modern world, he is faced with various challenges and conflicts. The story delves into his struggles with immortality, his desire for love and companionship, and the consequences of his actions throughout history. It also explores themes of power, mortality, and the eternal quest for knowledge and meaning.
In the 2017 sequel, Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra, we discover a new means by which Cleopatra is plagued by her return from death: shared visions with Sybil Parker, a renowned Egyptian romance writer. Many sets of characters want to find the once-great queen to better understand if she is truly the monster Ramses describes her as and if she can be allowed to remain after being so long dead.
The main trio of immortals meets the first immortal, Bektaten, the one who discovered the elixir of life and claims herself their queen. After saving Julie from a plot to capture and torture her to entice Ramses into sharing the secret of the elixir, the queen reduces the partial immortals to dust at Julie and Ramses engagement party. This pushes them into a scheme to rescue Cleopatra—who was taken in her place—and defeat Saqnos, Bektaten’s old prime minister and former lover.
As they struggle with their old beliefs, they must examine the inner workings of the soul and what happens to it after death.
In the 2022 series ender, Ramses the Damned: The Reign of Osiris, the human world is on the brink of World War I, and the band of immortals is the target of Nikolai Vasilev, who sends Russian assassins after the main group of people who surrounded Lawrence Stratford.
This forces a shaky alliance between Bektaten and those she has deemed her subjects as she decrees that no immortal interfere with the war, even though they will be tempted.
Let’s break down all of these characters in one easy list so you can dive into this series:
Ramses the Damned—also known as Reginald Ramsey, is the historical Ramses the Great. After drinking the elixir and leaving his kingdom to his traitorous son, he travels the continent and advises those leaders who seek true counsel. Although he takes many lovers, he does not find a true partner to defeat his loneliness until he meets Julie Stratford.
Julie Stratford—Lawrence Stratford’s daughter, she is engaged to Alex Saravell at the beginning of book one, but quickly falls for Ramses as he can provide a lifetime of adventure that her curiosity and intelligence demand.
Lawrence Stratford—the archaeologist who discovers Ramses the Damned’s tomb and unearths his sleeping mummy. Before understanding that he’s woken true immortal, he is murdered by his nephew.
Henry Stratford—the murderous nephew of Lawrence Stratford, who also tries and fails to kill Julie, thwarted by Ramses when he rises from pseudo-death.
Elliott Saravell—Lawrence’s former lover and best friend, he supports Julie and Ramses after Lawrence’s death and also accepts the elixir of life, using his new health and keen senses to support his family. He is also briefly Cleopatra’s companion before his son, Alex, becomes her lover.
Alex Saravell—once in love with Julie and engaged to marry her for a family alliance, he falls in love with Cleopatra, which completely changes his outlook on life.
Cleopatra—the once great queen of Egypt. She has risen from the dead and cannot seem to reconcile herself with her new life. Once her disorientation ebbs, she remains paranoid that the other immortals see her as an abomination and want to send her back to her grave.
Sybil Parker—an American historical romance writer, she has dreamed about Cleopatra’s life and Ramses so vividly that she turned them into her books. Once Cleopatra is resurrected, they share visions, sensations, and messages that evolve into a powerful connection.
Bektaten—the original immortal, she was the queen of an ancient African empire of Shaktanu. Also the self-proclaimed queen of the immortals, she was the first to discover the elixir of life and feels responsible for the actions of her subjects.
Samir Ibrahim—Lawrence Stratford’s benefactor and friend. He is dedicated to surviving Ramses and Julie.
Dr. Theodore Dreycliff—also known as Teddy, he nurses Cleopatra back to health after a train accent and becomes dangerously devoted to her.
Saqnos—Bektaten’s former prime minister, he is also immortal and has a perverted recipe for the elixir that grants an extra few hundred years to his subjects. He betrays Bektaten in pursuit of the real elixir and has built an army to search for it as he slumbers.
Enamon and Aktamu—Bektaten’s men, who act as her guard, her servants, and her lovers.
Dimitri Vasilev—met Lawrence on a former expedition for the eye of Osiris, he flaunted his wealth and behaved as a madman. His son, Nikola, has put a hit out on his loved ones.
Now that you’re prepared, join us for our discussion of the final book in the series, Ramses the Damned: The Reign of Osiris this Saturday, May 27th at 1 pm CDT over on Facebook live!
Also, stay tuned for more book- and reading-related content on our Youtube channel in June!