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Introduce yourself.
I’m Emily Mah, a science fiction and fantasy author. I also write contemporary as E.M. Tippetts and children’s books with my kids as D.Z. Mah. My family and I live in Santa Fe, and before I was a writer, I was a lawyer specializing in transactions and estate planning. I’m a graduate of the Clarion West Writers Workshop for Science Fiction and Fantasy and the Viable Paradise workshop, and for the last twenty years have been in the Critical Mass Writer’s Group here in New Mexico.
How do you celebrate during the winter season?
As a Christian, I celebrate Christmas. It’s especially fun while my kids are little!
How do you find inspiration for writing during the holidays/winter season?
I try to write 2000 words every day, no matter the session, and I always have more ideas than time to write them!
Do you have a favorite book you read during the holidays/winter season?
So, one of my favorite books is Something More than Night, by my friend Ian Tregillis, but the funny thing about that was it was published in December only because it has angels in it. It definitely isn’t a Christmas book, but it’s the first one I think of whenever I hear Christmas.
What is your favorite holiday/winter folklore and/or superstition?
Putting up a tree! I’ve been collecting Star Trek and Star Wars spaceship ornaments for decades, so it is an all science fiction tree.
What is the weirdest holiday/winter tradition your family has?
Well, it’s probably the same as my last answer. Collecting the science fiction ornaments for my tree.
If you could be any character in a holiday movie/story, who would you be and why?
My favorite is Amber in Christmas Prince, not because I want to marry a prince. What I love about that movie is that she takes her job as a journalist very seriously, and even though she uncovers some nasty royal family secrets, in the end the family appreciates that she helped them deal with them
Would you rather have your ears turn into elf ears or have a Santa beard forever?
Elf ears would be cool!
Which of your characters would you invite over for dinner? Why?
The main character of my WIP is named Ishani, an 18 year old orphan living in post-apocalyptic London. She is intelligent and ruthless, but also very effective at getting what she wants. Often she’s looking out for other people, and she’s very good at getting them what they need.
Which winter holiday/celebration (if any) would your main character(s) enjoy the most? Why?
Since my character, Ishani, is an orphan, she doesn’t know if her family was Hindu, Muslim, or Bhuddist, and I think what she would enjoy the most is learning about her heritage and taking part in the celebrations.
Where can our readers find you?
I am at:
Instagram: @EmilyMahAuthor
Twitter: Emily Mah